The Harlem Shadow is a a film noir animated series about a masked vigilante who fights crime in the seedy New York underworld during the famed Harlem Renaissance. All Def Digital (ADD), a new Youtube network created by Russell Simmons (Def Jam; Phat Farm) and Brian Robbins (Awesomeness TV) will be showing content by the end of the year.
With the creative talent attached to this project, this is definitely a series that The KLIQ Nation will keep an eye on going forward. Make sure to check back for more updates, but for now, enjoy the official press release below.
The Harlem Shadow was originally created by Brian Williams and Christian Colbert and published by RavenHammer Comics. Michael Uslan, the Executive Producer of The Dark Knight Trilogy, will serve as the Executive Producer of the series. His son, independent producer, David Uslan, who will also serve as Executive Producer of the series, initially discovered the indie comic while the property was brought to the ADD team via model and comic enthusiast, Summer Rayne Oakes, who will co-produce the series. The Harlem Shadow was the first of its kind to spotlight the Harlem Renaissance, a unique cultural movement in black history that spanned from 1919 to the mid-1930s.
“There has been a lack of cultural diversity in the world of animated heroes but we’re about to change that,” remarks Russell Simmons. “The Harlem Shadow not only brings to life the rich culture, art, fashion, music and creativity of the Harlem Renaissance through the first black superhero of the era – but also exposes the same grittiness and glamour that heavily influences the modern-day hip-hop community.”
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Ravenhammer is here to create a multifaceted and diverse sandbox of superheroes, myths and legends that will stand in opposition to current products on the market. We are kickstarting a revolution in which we will spur the creation of new pop-art icons for the next generation.
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